


Factory Size: 4000M2
Number of Production/Assembling Lines: 3
Number of Employees: 100-200
Major Markets: Europe, USA, Russia, MENA
Category Mix: Womens & Mens
Product Categories
Boots, Flats, Mules, Sandals, Slippers, Sneakers, Wedges


ATILIM Work Environment we are committed to;

• Ethical and responsible conduct in all of our operations of production
• Respect for the rights of all individuals
• Respect for the nature and environment

ATILIM Code of Conducts

Child Labor: The term "child" refers to a person younger than 18 or, if higher, the local legal minimum age for employment or the age for completing compulsory education.

Coercion and Harassment: We treat treat each employee with dignity and respect and don't use corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

Nondiscrimination: We don't discriminate in hiring and employment practices, including salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion or disability.


At ATILIM, our main goal is sustainable manufacturing. We incorporate sustainability from the initial sourcing of raw materials, and follow through until the end of our whole production operation. We use economically sound processes, that minimises the negative environmental impact overall, while we conserve energy and natural resources.